Empower your student’s success: Integrating mental strength for academic excellence

Campus counseling program for a thriving campus

Does your institute need it?

Counseling @campus:
The imperative

Transitional Challenges

Research shows that 75% of lifetime cases of mental wellbeing conditions peak during the time period of 20-24 years of age: the time spent in a college campus.

Improved academics

Studies show that timely counseling intervention can improve student's academic performance by 15-25%. Counseling provides a crucial support system to help students manage academic pressure better.

Student retention

Students with emotional wellbeing issues are twice as likely to leave an institution without graduating, a phenomenon which is likely to increase post NEP 2020.

Better placements

Counseling not only benefits students' well-being but also improves their employability in placements, leading to better economic outcomes for both students and institutions.

Culture and Brand

The presence of counseling services fosters a more supportive, inclusive, and caring campus environment. This can enhance the overall educational experience and reputation of the institution.

Choose Devotus

The success of any academic institution is measured by its ability to nurture and produce capable individuals—students and young leaders who possess the intellectual prowess, emotional resilience and the mental strength to contribute to the society. 

At Devotus, we understand students, their worries, dreams and aspirations. We understand what drives and affects them.

Whether you are a school, college or an educational academy, Devotus works with you to create an environment where every student can thrive, tap into their potential and succeed.

What do we offer

Awareness & literacy programs

Impart understanding and awareness about wellbeing, of self and others, and break down barriers for help seeking behavior

Wellness support

Institutionalized space for students to express themselves and receive confidential support on the campus from our experts

Mental strength program

Our customized offering for educational campuses, helping them shape their students into leaders of tomorrow. Reach out to know more. 

Get in touch with us

Contact us today and discover how Devotus can be your partner in student success.

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What services do you offer to support academic institutions?

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How do you ensure privacy and confidentiality?

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How can academic institutions assess the effectiveness of their mental health partnerships and programs?

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Are there resources available to train faculty and staff on recognizing and responding to students' mental health needs?

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If you have any further questions, please reach out to our friendly support team.
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